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A Simple Geo-targeting Strategy For Earning $2k From Your Blog In 2 Weeks

A Simple Geo-targeting Strategy For Earning $2k From Your Blog In 2 Weeks


Geo-targeting strategy for earning $2k as a blogger
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A Geo-targeting Strategy For Making Consistent Income From Your Blog… a helpful tip that got us $2k in two weeks.

Few days ago I promised to share with you a unique strategy for generating a “good” income from your blog.

However, what I didn’t tell you is that this very strategy can also be used in increasing the earning potential of your offline business or any other online business that has nothing to do with blogging.

First, you need to understand what a geo-targeting is and how marketing gurus are using it to increase their conversion in a blink.

Geo-targeting is a form of marketing where the geographical location of website visitors are properly picked and segmented, and special kind of content served to reach such people in a way that they will most likely connect with it faster.

It is used mainly in all PPC advertising especially in Google AdWords and more powerfully in Facebook Ads.

But in this case, I didn’t use any software nor external tools but purely KEYWORDS + LOCATION.

I will explain how this one works.

Most bloggers are struggling to make money from their niche blog because they don’t know the keywords that companies are paying for and most importantly, where those companies are located.

If I want to build a blog and make money from it fast, and I do not want to talk about local politics, news, entertainment, football. relationships, and gossips, targeting Africa only (typically exemplified in my choice of a domain name) will be the worst mistake ever.

You know, why?

Companies, as well as small businesses that have enough money to pay you for sponsored post and ad placement over here, don’t care about your niche.


The people they are targeting (consumers) are a bunch of confused people (e pain you?)

Let me defend that claim.

It’s in Africa that someone will be reading a business blog and suddenly see an advert talking about how to satisfy your girlfriend in bed then he will abandon the article he was reading to click on the link that will take him to a different page. In saner countries, placing unrelated ads or too many ads on your site will earn you a backseat in their life.

When advertisers in Africa noticed this, they decided to target people randomly without caring whether the site where they placed the sponsored post is related to their niche or not.

But in tier-1 countries, if an insurance blog is looking for platforms to place their sponsored post and build links from, they go for top ranking business and insurance blogs first before considering other platforms.


They believe that those platforms already have a warm audience that will be less-resistive to their campaign unlike when they put the ad in a football blog.

Having known how these companies choose who they work with, here’s a summary of what I did:

  1. I used keywords that they are already paying for.
  2. I mentioned their location sparingly across my blog post.
  3. I mentioned their competitors to spike them into thinking and believing that they are already missing something for not being mentioned where their top competitors got a mention.

When I did these 3 things above and MORE, I started ranking for keywords they would have given an arm and a leg to Google just to temporary rank for.

If you were in their shoes, would you rather pay Google $5,000 to rank on the SERP for just a week or pay EBB $900 to retain a permanent position on their blog for 2 years?

Your answer is what helped us to crush the goal.

Did you get value from this? Let me know.

Do you have any questions? Ask! PS: If you are a part of my  BusinessScan24 Masterclass expect more information on how to find the competitors of businesses you want to attract their attention, how to know keywords that they are already paying for and how to create unique content using long-tail keywords that will target them.



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